Friday, May 5, 2017

Happy Birthday to Me - Thursday night

Just a brief post tonight. It's been a busy day aboard Rocinante. My birthday genie surprised me with a bag of goodies and thoughtful cards. Such a lovely start of the day.

Then, Paul discovered that the boom had separated from the mast. So, the rest of the day was spent securing the boom. We are proceeding to Hiva Oa (409 nm) now as they have a haul out yard. Our buddy boat, MonArk will follow a similar course case we need help nearby.

It's another beautiful night...11 kn winds rolly seas ( which I could do without) and just the sound of the waves.

Take care. Love, Leslie

** Note from Geoff - this post came in late. Hiva Oa is 361 nautical miles from this morning's position. It is shown on the Tracking map at Atuona.

1 comment:

  1. Happy Birthday Leslie! Looks like there's a few nice eateries in Atuona as well as a 4-star hotel (Hiva Oa Hanakee Pearl Lodge)! All points of interest called out on Google Maps -- the hotel, eateries, water holes, even the Catholic Church and Cemetery -- are Google reviewer-rated 4 stars or above (hmmmm...). You're making great time as of 0900 Sat morning PDT -- hopefully you'll arrive in time for breakfast or maybe early-lunch on Monday morning :-) Praying for your continued safety -- Rich Harmel and Linda Rahn
