Wednesday, May 10, 2017

Day 3 Hiva Oa

Bonsoir, Robin & Fiona (Monark)just stopped by to bring us star fruit and coconuts from their walk. Aren't they so cute. Vincent is here working with Paul on the rudder. They have a plan for tomorrow.

I'm making some pasta. Such a small village. Really only two restaurants open for dinner and they're a 45 min walk although someone usually offers is a ride when we're going to the village. The season's rains has made for a muddy runoff so the bay is not very appealing. We may try to get to other areas once we're just waiting for parts. Paul works on the boat and/or with the guys most of the day. We'll be ready to leave once the boat is fixed.

We're hopeful to be in a hotel on the 12th. It is at the restaurant we've eaten at a couple of times. Joe & his daughter run it. Be glad to have a shower and bathroom. Now we have to walk through the mud to the shack. Kind of like camping.

Oh best news of all... I found the boulangerie today. .Too late for croissants but had a tasty brioche and crusty baguette . Maybe, I'll get there earlier tomorrow.

Nice to be relaxing tonight. Plans are to leave once the boat is ready and clean( dirty from yard) . We'll probably go to Fata Hiva then up to Nuka Hiva. We'll see how this all goes. Both are day sails from here.

The boat is finally not rocking. And, it's a little cooler. Hopefully, no rain tonight .( then we have to close all the hatches). Love, Leslie

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