Wednesday, May 10, 2017

Bonjour, le jour 3, Hiva Oa

Bonjour, Still getting checked in, computer set ups, boat diagnosis...we're both well and having breakfast on the boat before going to the village. Rained hard last night...still hot, humid bugs here & there. Getting to know our landlord/mechanic. A sweet young couple who took a financial risk and opened this hard & bought the haul out trailer. Took Robin & Fiona to the Lodge for a thank you & celebration dinner. (Ok certainly not 3 star as noted) but a wonderful treat or us all. Interesting getting to know ( in person) people we have had a relationship with on radio.

When will this boat ever stop rocking?? We still brace ourselves when walking on it.
Dad, tell Freda happy birthday.

Hope everyone is well. Love, Leslie

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