Sunday, May 7, 2017

Day 26 - My Favorite Watch

The moon and clouds playing cat & mouse create dramatic shapes throughout my 5:00am  watch. Later they become whimsical characters. You should have seen Harry Potter looking down with his eyes suggesting "I'm watching..."

Capt. briefs me, rain likely, on course at 205, bearing off broad reach but avoid 120 degrees apparent-wind angle. Jib is full & mainsail remains in its permanent reef on the strapped down boom. H-vane likes your personal touch to keep on course. It's warm, 10+ SE wind. Size of swells remain a mystery in darkness until they shoot a spray or knock you standing in the cockpit. At 6.7,kts and 116..5 nm kn to island Hiva Oa. Call me anytime" Capt reminds me as if I wouldn't. Capt. is both thoughtful and instructive during changeovers. Always sharing wondrous observations. Water is the drink (Capt.'s carefully crafted brew) of this voyage. Can't wait for an ice cold beverage or tea once I step on Terra Firma.

A Werther's Caramel is my choice of snack today. Time to begin my watch. Our speed is now 7....and the rain has come. Love Leslie

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