Thursday, April 27, 2017

With squalls come rainbows....

Good Morning! We're getting to be pros at fleeing or hanging on during squalls. One more approaching so I thought I'd get this out.

Rocinante needs some serious clean up ....hopefully this afternoon. I'm still thinking a French croissant as my first stop but a wash & fold is creeping up there.

Still haven't seen a boat of any kind. Paul saw a beautiful tuna jumping and rainbow.

Since the squalls, cereal, cup of soup and crackers are a mainstay. I'm hoping there is still an egg burrito in the there. For me today. Paul does enjoy those retro snacks ( Hostess cupcakes, Amos cookies, m & m cookies( only only because he's out of Linda & Teri's homemade cookies.). I miss my doesn't seem to taste good here. ( imagine that dad..a day without tea)

Wonder about the headlines from time to time....but I must admit I don't miss it. Hoping for the best ....

Still no email coming in so you can use texting our Iridium number. Miss you all...hard not being able to hear your thoughtful, loving voices.

I'll send a couple of photos... Love Leslie

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