Sunday, April 16, 2017

Update from Paul - April 16 - Day 5

First three days of the trip were the most fun sailing I have ever had. Lots of wind and big close seas, 15-20 kts + winds  and 3-6/9 ft seas.  Rocinante and autohelm 3000 did perfectly. Saw lots of 7 kt speed and made an 8.4 going down a front side. Was going to put up the Hydrovane (windvane self-steerer) today but the winds went full calm.  I don't think we did 7 miles total all day. Sails flapping now on lake Pacific (The forecast on PredictWind was 10-15 kts).  There's plenty of time left. Water is gorgeous but still cold. Leslie is about to serve shrimp on the veranda ......

P.S. Tried to fly spinnaker today.  Not enough wind but good practice. Two days ago I was doing 7.3 on reefed main only!  PG

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