Friday, April 28, 2017

Join the Fun....when will Grangers Cross the Equator

Just when will Rocinante cross the Equator with Paul & Leslie maturing from pollywogs to shell backs.

Hailing all friends and family to test your skill and/or luck in naming the date/time Rocinante will cross the Equator. If you're unfamiliar with the tradition, just ask a veteran who (like my dad) experienced the pomp & circumstance or they would probably call it an initiation varying from "just for fun" to a incredibly challenging/disgusting ritual.

All the data can be found on our blog so you can calculate this or just make a wild guess.

Expected to cross the Equator at 134.23 W

Entries must be received via XGate email  (
Sunday morning at 9:00 (Pacific Daylight Time)

Grand Prize: Bottle of Champagne (as used to appease King Neptune) if under 21 a suitable substitute will be given.

Creative Prize to all who participate.

Feel free to share this with others. The more the merrier!

Good Luck. Love , Leslie

Blog with routing information-
As the sun goes down tonight, we are enjoying a beautiful evening aboard Rocinante on our 17th day. Current lat/long is 05.15 N 132.21 W

Have fun and Good Luck! Love, Leslie & Paul

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