Monday, April 17, 2017

Day 6, A beautiful sunny day but no wind

A picture perfect day except no wind....if you were flying overhead & saw us, you'd be wondering why Rocinante is bobbing up & down as evidenced by no wake. Not that we're complaining but each night we hear on PPJ others crossing the equator. Good thing we made good progress the first 4 days.

A little about our daily meals....
Breakfast-juice, cereal, fruit fresh now but will be dried only soon. Tried a breakfast burrito (Costco) tasty,  P had oatmeal. Dinners so far, ham sandwiches (dad's yummy baked ham); scrambled eggs w/ veggies (eggs contributed by Laura Ann & Geoff-fresh from the Hen no refrigeration; required); seasoned rice enhanced w/ dad's freshly sauteed carrots & canned chicken; PFChang veggies beef stir fry added seasoned rice; leftovers preceded by a fav-avocado, shrimp salad. Desserts-our favorite homemade cookies from Linda & Teri. Beverages-water, Squirt, Pepsi & milk...saving the champagne to share w/ King Neptune at 0

Hope this isn't too long to send. FYI postings come via email if you've signed up( easy to do) best viewed on Blog. Email takes 1/2 day, Blog immediately. On Blog you'll see current lat/long & speed. Love, Leslie


  1. I'm just loving your journal. Thanks for letting us into a glimpse of your journey. - Cuz

  2. We are really proud of you guys, Bill says wx will get better tomorrow, luv the posts.
