Saturday, April 29, 2017

Day 18, beat out another squall...

Temperatures/humidity are rising....and I'm wishing my bread would rise, too. Dad, this the first all those bread mixes ...sure hope it will be tasty as I am expecting. Not sure about adding oven heat to an already hot house and we're not even at the equator yet.

Speaking of oven and equator,
Susan how is your new Wolfe oven?

Who is already preparing to enter the Name the Date/Time we'll be getting to the Equator? One entry already in.

The squall in today's photo was what I woke up to for my watch this morning.....Paul was setting up a run to beat it and we did.

So far, my vote for best food on the trip was the ice cream dad insisted I stow deep in the frig. for Paul. We ate the whole quart....wish I had some now.

Timer went to check the bread. Love Leslie

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