Sunday, July 2, 2017

Nuka Hiva....usually cruisers first stop...

Good Morning! If we were home now, we'd be prepping for our 8th annual 4th of July Festivities. We'll miss celebrating with you...pre parade breakfast, parade(FOCUS will shine as usual), VFW for hot dog & dancing, pre fireworks' barbeque, then the walk over to the premier viewing spot on the green. And, can't forget the return to our house for the post fireworks nightcap. Knowing that our country is challenged with divisive political views, concerns for our economic well-being & safety from terrorism, I reflect on our ( USA) accomplishments & value for our freedoms. My reflections of islands we have visited include the joy & pride of the Marquisians, I also observe their challenges. However you celebrate our nation's birthday, I know you' ll join me with gratitude for all who have served & those who have chosen to protect our freedoms today. Dad, Paul, Bob, Kevin, Gary, and Mike ( & all who have served) I salute you with pride. I also think about those who contribute
to our well-being & making the world a safe,& supportive place for living in so many ways.

Back to Nuka Hiva ( I hope I didn't offend anyone with the above reflections but I've had time to observe other cultures & think about my hope that all ( (children especially)) will live in & contribute to making the world a safe, healthy place.)

Nuka Hiva...our planned first landfall before diverting for repairs to Hiva Oa. Photos Rocinante anchored in Baie de Taioae, fresh produce from local market, Paul doing one of many projects while here before departing for the Tuamotus hopefully on Tuesday.

I'm enjoying fresh pamplemou and watching the sunrise(and maybe our solar panels will finally see some action today). I love mornings wherever I am. Looking forward to walking around today & hopefully finding a restaurant ( only 3) open for dinner. Without rain maybe yesterday's wash will dry. It's had additional rinses thanks to the rain yesterday. I hear stirring below....time for breakfast with my captain who I adore. So glad we've made this trip together. Happy Birthday Faith & Happy Anniversary Scott & Nancy!
Have a wonderful 4th! Bonnie, sorry we just can't make it back in year we'll continue the tradition.
Love, Leslie

1 comment:

  1. What a Beautiful Tribute Leslie !!! So true and graciously put ..Thankyou for doing that . Sounds like the trip is progressing nicely and you two are loving every minute of such a dream come true. So Happy for the two of you and Love that you have had this opportunity to do it !! Love Chris and Bob
