Wednesday, July 19, 2017

Back in the cruising mode....Day 2

Day 2 Cruising Again

Yesterday, we broke away and sailed to Bae d'Anaho testing our sea legs and return to wellness. It was a blustery day sail through 18-25 gusting to 30kn during a squall ( which drenched us & leaned the boat). Seas were 2-3 meters (6-9 ft) 7 seconds....not the easy sailing we wanted.

It's a beautiful bay with some dwellings off the beach. Looking forward to a long walk and swim. Best news, we both had a full night's sleep.

Going to make some banana bread first while Paul sets up the dinghy. Did I mention how quiet it is here? But wind and low from is returning so we can expect some rain. This is a protected day so we are minus the swells.

Stay tuned for some pictures from the beach. We'll probably depart for the Tuomotus Friday.

Happy Birthdays to Luca and Jenny.

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