Sunday, June 25, 2017

Hello from Oa Pou (Wapoo)

There is always so much to see whether on a crossing, at a secluded anchorage or in a port. It's Sunday morning, and we're anchored (bow & stern) at Baie D'Haikahau. It's sunny, a comfortable breeze and children are laughing & splashing at their Canoe Club ( children's education center for culture & water sports) and a cargo ship (just steamed in) is already unloading no doubt precious cargo.

The waterfront community center is finally quiet(music & wallops until 3:00 am) after the school's end of the year party last night. We attended with a family who owns the pension. The children's songs, dances, and costumes presented a delightful glimpse of the Marquesasn culture. Having spent the afternoon touring the island with Jerome( fireman, pension owner, here 18 years, native of France, wife native of Oa Pao), it was even more meaningful.

Wish I could send multiple photos at once because we have seen such beautiful & interesting sites/people. Since we celebrated our anniversary here, I've chosen photos of us. Thanks for your fun and caring anniversary notes. If we haven't answered them it's because of lack of wifi &/or powered cell phones. But your remembrances /stories added to our celebration.

There is much to do before we leave tomorrow for Nuka Hiva...where we were supposed to check in (Visa) when we entered French Polynesia 49 days ago. For those of you that like briefings vs. essays, I apologize for the length of this blog. We've experienced so much since our last blog. BTW, they have almost emptied the ship while I've been writing and the children are still in the water( and Paul is still napping ...hard for the capt. to sleep when there are winds/waves all night) Trucks ( everyone has one) are lined up to pick up their long awaited supplies. The stores will be full tomorrow.

Wishing you all the fun of summer. Glad to hear June gloom is gone but hear that Sacramento (from Katy) is already experiencing 100+. And, gardens are producing yummy veggies from Durango (Pat), strawberries in Bellvue (Susan) to cherries+ in Santa Rosa (Christine). Know that we are also enjoying island fruits but few veggies( they say too much rain)....pamplemousse, mangos, bananas. Hopefully, our Padres are on a winning streak...want to watch them in post season play with you, dad. Giants would be ok, too(.Scott & Guy). Love, Leslie


  1. Oh My Goodness !!! Such a Beautiful place !! Looks like something out of a movie set!! Pictures show up very small but enough to see how amazing everything is! What a trip of a lifetime with memories to last forever. So happy for the two of you. You deserve all the best that life has to offer !! Love, Chris and Bob

  2. You are in route to Nuka Hiva. Yeh. Can't wait to hear about the crossing. Enjoyed the photos and glad to see the scenery. I'll share with dad. Love susan

  3. Looks like you got to Nuka Hiva. !!!!

  4. This is so vivid - felt like I was there for a minute. We will want to see all your photos.
