Monday, June 5, 2017

Happy Sunday.....

Hi Everyone, 

Still waiting, waiting....

In the meantime, we had a wonderful day observing island life on a Sunday.  After a walk to the bakery and petit dejeuner, we went to 8:00 mass.  ( in heavy rain) It was done in both French and Marquesan which was lovely.    Families were delightful to watch.  It was first communion for the younger children.  The priest came down to the children and talked directly to them.  It seemed serious but some laughing. Loved hearing the older children's choir including a Marquesan drum and guitars which they played at the end of the service.  Later, girls told me that was their rock & roll.  Wonderful to experience.  The service was in French and Marquesan with most of the music Marquesan.  Such harmonic, spirited voices!  Afterwards, families jammed into the  market ( only open until noon & closed for a holiday tomorrow).  Such jubilant exchanges!  

Later we read, I tried to figure out how to download the GoPro then we walked to the boat.  

Note regarding photo-windows are open( no glass) comfortable breeze goes through & very dramatic with the rain.  Woman with the head wreath directed the choir-she seems to have a warm, fun relationship with them.  The boys with the guitars had on white shirts with their board shorts.  There were boys in the chorus, too, but they sat across from the girls and often they sang in response to each other.  

Can you tell I was impressed?  The church was full, and I observed such a warm, happy, family-centered spirit.  

Hope you had a relaxing Sunday, too.  Love Leslie

Sent from my iPhone


  1. You posted Sunday but we receive it on Tuesday !! What a Great experience and sounds just Beautiful!! Must be so wonderful to watch so much Love !! Hope your parts finally arrived and you will soon be on your way !! Love, Chris and Bob

  2. Loved your photos and description of an island Mass, far from gray and gloomy Coronado....
