Sunday, August 20, 2017

Back in the good ole USA....

Dear Family & Friends,

Just a quick note to let you know we are home. Sad to leave Rocinante behind but once we landed, got our welcome home hugs from dad in route, then a surprise welcome gathering at home, we knew what we had been missing...there's no place like home.

Below are some photos from yesterday. Dinner was provided by dad and's baked ham & pasta salad (& he stocked the refrigerator full of our favorites) and homegrown tomatoes flown in from Susan's garden in Bellevue, WA. A pre dinner celebration with champagne was awaiting us as we pulled into the driveway.

Somehow, once we settle in, I'll probably close this blog with some culminating thoughts (hopefully from Paul, too) and with thanks to all of you that supported us along the way. For now, I'll close and either check out mail( which Linda has been collecting daily), unpack or nap....hmmm such choices. Look forward to seeing you soon. Love, Leslie
PS Did you know that you can view pictures in the Galley section on the blog...bigger that what you see here?

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